So this is my brother Ammon.
He's basically crazy if you ask me. He is a bullfighter- aka a rodeo clown (but i think calling a bullfighter a rodeo clown is frowned upon- ESPECIALLY by the bullfighter. cuz c'mon- if you did this...wouldnt you prefer the more manly title of 'bullfighter'. I think you would) Anyway- Like I said- he's a bullfighter for the Intermountain Pro Rodeo Association. He does rodeos in Tooele at 4th of July, Ogden, Spanish Fork, Logan- pretty much all over Utah and some surrounding states. As much as I love my brother- I HATE going to a rodeo he's in because it scares me to death. I prefer not actually even hearing when he's going to be doing a rodeo cuz I worry about him.

But anyway- I just saw some of these pictures he had on his facebook account and I just thought I'd share, because I love him and I know he loves doing rodeos - so I'm proud of him for doing it. He got some award like Bullfighter of the Year or something (I guess I should know that as a sister) and he got this totally decked out huge belt buckle for it. It's his pride and joy. What a funny boy. It's so wierd to me that my own brother is a cowboy of sorts. Cuz I'm so not that way. But oh well.

I loved going to the rodeo he was in. Admit it, it was fun besides the whole part where the other guy was taken away in an ambulance.
Scary. I'm not much of a rodeo person.
So, I had to go back and look at the family photo of Ammon. He doesn't look so much like a cowboy. Then again, neither does my husband, and I think he kind of is one DEEP down. Don't tell him I told you though. That is really cool he got that award. That has to be one of the world's most dangerous jobs!
That's fun to see those pictures of our bro! He is a brave/crazy soul!
But facebook? Really?
What's facebook?
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