

Why is there a piece of SHOE on your head?

This is exactly why people like me SHOULDN'T vote.

Brad: We need to vote tonight.

Andrea: Vote? Oh.....Yeah..for So You Think You Can Dance.

Brad: For the Republican Primaries.

Andrea: Oh. Woops.


Kar said...

That's how I am. I'm hoping that you did vote for SYTYCD though.

P.S. Thanks for updating.

Whitney Kaye said...

I was so excited to see you posted! and I love your voting story. Made my day!

AMY said...

haha how funny, but i probably wouldn't have thought of voting for the republican primaries either! :) love ya

ANDREA said...

yeah- you know the biggest problem with this whole thing - is that this happened on TUESDAY. SYTYCD isnt on until Wednesdays...not only am I stupid..I'm stupidER and cant remember which day of the week it is. its very sad.

Joyce said...

Maybe it's better if you DON'T go vote. :)